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Old 09-05-2006, 10:01 AM   #27
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Would I be mad if something like that happened to me? Yes, of course I would. My furbabies are just as important and special to me as my skinbabies are - I would never leave any of them home, alone, for that long (it's bad enough I have to leave the furbabies at home while I work). I am lucky in the fact that my best friend lives less than a mile from my house and I have a sister and a brother who live within 3 miles so when we are out of town either traveling for baseball tournaments or just on vacation and Gabby and Gage can't go with us, I still enjoy the trip because I know I've left them in very capable, responsible hands. Between the 3 of them, Gabby and Gage are seen after several times a day (my brother, who is single, even stays the night at my house so they aren't alone).

Now, to address the issue of his going out - no, I don't think she said in her original post that he couldn't go out while she was out of town. She did mention that she asked if he went by before he went out and he told her no. I bet, if he had gone by to check on her baby, fed, freshened the water, taken him outside, she probably wouldn't have been as mad - just my thoughts on it. By all means, he was not a "prisoner" to her furbaby while she was out but he did promise a responsibility to her and he let her down. If I had to guess, that's why she got so upset - the fact he let her and her furbaby down. Face it, when it comes to our furbabies, we are all guilty of getting on the defensive side when things don't go "just so" when we leave the responsibility of their care to someone else.
Suzi - mom to Gabby and Gage
For Mickey
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