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Old 08-29-2006, 08:18 PM   #104
Senior Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: knoxville
Posts: 181

Originally Posted by DazzlinYT
I'm not going to fight with you, if you don't have dogs chained to the front of your house, then obviously I didn't mean you. You can't be serious that you don't see the same things I do. The lack of value of an animal in this area (IN GENERAL) especially in more rural areas is OBVIOUS. If you don't see it, I'm sorry. You're right East TN is beautiful, a lot of the PEOPLE, IGNORANT redneck people are NOT beautiful, they are animal abusers! Again, this is not directed at you whether you live in a trailer, an apartment, a mansion or a cardboard box, unless you choose to make it directed at you.

i do agree with you on the animal abuse issue...however for some reason the comment about the trailer just struck a cord.....i dont want to fight either thats not why i come just let it i said b4 i do agree that ppl dont know how to care for their animals or better yet just done care enough to take care of them and that is the sad part they look at them as nothing more than money makers.....i believe that animlas should have rights also because they have feeling just like humans....just because they cant talk to us dont mean they dont feel pain and emotions the same as we do....i just couldnt imagine someone being mean to my Bo....he is my baby and is like one of our hubbby loves him as much if not more than i do (if thats possiable lol)....but anyway i just wanted to say i think it is wrong for these poor babies to go though this and i can see why the ppl here dont want to give the breeder money to go and do it seems to me like a win/loose situation win for the babies but loosing for us to give money to the breeder but if it takes that to get them out them i am willing to donate to them.....*hugs* to the babies and i am still praying for their safe rescue.
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