Thread: Iams Gravy
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Old 08-29-2006, 07:55 PM   #13
Bama Yorkie Mom
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I have had my puppies on iams, eukanuba, beneful, and pro pac and science diet. and when I first buy it they eat it like they just love it. but after a few feedings they walk by and look at it or sniff it and so i try to mix it with warm water and let it soften, first few times, hmmm it so good. then its walk by, sniff and walk on till late in the day. Kizzy doesnt hardly eat anything till late and now maggie will eat a few bits a few times a day of whatever. I suppose if they get hungry they'll eat something. Hubby says leave them alone, they'll eat when they get hungry. But i'll even take them to the food bowl and sometimes i'll take some of the food and try to get them to take one bite from me thinking they might decide humm thats pretty good but they dont. Hubby said I worry too much. vet said no dog will starve itself to death when theres food. So I suppose I do worry. oh yes and ive given them kibbles and bits too. So i've about given up on what kind to buy. I'm thinking next time i'll just by the old gravy train and try that. I dont know what else to do cause i'm not gonna keep buying them food and wasting half a bag begging them to eat. They will learn to like something. My sisters has a schnauzer and he loves gravy train. the vet that saw maggie when her regular vet was out said he dont have a preference but he usually just prefers gravy train. I think mine is so spoiled all they want is treats but they dont get many of those lately either. I know for sure Kizzy would eat cheerios all day if I would give them to her.
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