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Old 08-14-2006, 04:43 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Catrina
Hey everyone~

Some of you may remember when I posted a while back about my dog being aggressive and I have since then, tried every suggestion (except for cesear's video thing) given to me and read everything I could in books and the internet about this. Nothing has helped and it has since got worse.

I can honestly say, I have tried to take her out with me as much as possible to get her more socialized.. but it is not working. And I had people come over to try so I can practice with my dog on how to act when a stranger comes.

She is fine when I take her outside.. she just is very shy around people and dogs... BUT when someone she doesn't know come into our home...

She turns from a VERY VERY sweet loving dog, to a vicious attack dog. NOT KIDDING!!! Her bites are hurting people and she WON'T stop barking. It's not a normal bark, its a very scared and super angry type of bark that actually scares ME when she does it.

AND believe me... I have tried for about 6 months now to get her to stop..!!
It is a bit embarassing to have people over and when they do, I have to put her in the bathroom upstairs to minimize the noise now. I know, some of you may think that is making it worse, but letting her out makes it 10 times worse.. all she wants to do is attack attack and attack! I get very very nervous when I take her out because once in a while she will suddenly lunge and try to bite someone.

She is seriously the sweetest dog and sooooo adorable when she is around people she knows, but around strangers, it is like a split personality!!

People have said to do like Petco's dog obedience thing which is like 4 weeks for $99.. but the main problem is how she acts at home not outside..

SO... I am asking for opinions here.. I have been researching for private in home training dog behavior specialists.. they are usually about $100 per hour..

This one woman called and she said she will do it for $110 an hour.. and she will usually come once for an hour, then come back in a week for an hour and she said if I do my "homework" then Princess will be "cured" =P I asked.. "what if she stays the same, or shows little to no improvement? will i get a refund?" she said, "no, if you do your homework, then she will be fine, the only reason why she would show no improvement is if the owner does not do their homework and continue with the training".. I mean she sounds legit and obviously not some scammer, but is this worth "trying"?

If someone said they know FOR SURE that she will stop this aggressive behavior, then of course I will pay the $200 with no hesitation... I know I will do my "homework", but WHAT IF it doesn't work?? I can only afford to do this ONCE!! ( I don't want to ask family members for help in paying because she is my responsibility)... So... what do you guys think?? Give this a try? Or try and find another solution??

Please.. any opinions would be GREAT!!!
I hope you decide to watch the Cesar Milan video, or catch him on TV tonight at 9 ET. I have no idea what method this trainer woman uses, but if it is anything like Cesar, she will tell you, that YOU are the problem, not the dog. That is why YOU must do your homework, because it is YOU that has to change. The dog does not feel that you are in charge, so she has taken over as the pack leader, and you need to take back the job.

So I believe that if the woman guarantees her work as long as YOU do your homework, then she is pretty sure of herself. Just keep in mind it is not the dog she is going to train, it is YOU, and you could get the same advice by watching Cesar Milan.

Good Luck
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