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Old 08-09-2006, 03:47 PM   #16
luvdorkyyorkies's Avatar
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I started Joker on canned food because it seemed I could not sustain his weight anymore with formula. He just wouldnt gain at all. I added nutracal to it to increase calories. But he began fighting me too with syringe feedings ( i didnt have luck with bottle feedings) One reason is because I was trying to feed him extra cc's of it and he just didnt want it. Plus he was worrying me with all the formula that was begining to bubble from his nose more.
I tried dry cat food because of the small size of the food but he just wasnt interested so against the advice off the website I started him on mighty dog and little cesars because he liked the strong smell and texture, so soft. ( I tried others but he didnt like them) Besides he barely had any teeth. Thats when he also got his milkshake three times a day in a cup. This is when he went from 9 ozs to 14 ozs almost over night. I had to seperate him from his brothers because they were much bigger and to tough on him. Plus he ate better alone at about 6-7weeks. He did get to sleep at night with them though.
I started by just putting a tiny bit of canned on his tongue, toward the back. Then once he started showing interest in a few days I started putting a little pyramid of it on a saucer. AFTER EVERY FEEDING I SUCTIONED HIM WITH a BABIES BULB SYRINGE. He would sneeze and he sounded nasally with wet breathing.Most of the time I did get canned food out of the cleft and the nasal passage. You could see it wedged in the area. Now he tends to take food with the good side of his mouth and has adapted. I look after I feed him but rarely does he have any canned in the cleft now. And now he is starting on dry so if his weight does not drop I will wean him to dry only since it is the safer.
I got the antibiotics from my vet. I phoned him told him I had a cleft palate baby, found a website with a lady who reccommended this kind of antibiotic so he gave it to me.
I didnt give antibiotics just like they said on the website. I gave it everyother day until he was 4 weeks old. He would sound nasally with wet respirations so I gave it.
If you have raised your baby without any antibiotic to this point, Im not so sure you need it. If it where me I would try some canned food, but thats only if it were me and I had luck with it. I hate to tell you definitely do it and your baby get pneumonia. Since your baby didnt act real hungry maybe she is eating some dry food now!!
It depends on the palate I think. Jokers is the cleft lip with just one side of the mouth (all toward the front) where the cleft is. One nasal passage is open into the front of the mouth, right next to the long canine tooth. So its a minor cleft I think and does not run toward the middle of the mouth.
Please keep us updated Im very interested to keep up on your babies progress. I think she is going to make it!
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