Thread: Please help!!
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Old 08-06-2006, 05:55 PM   #8
YT 2000 Club Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
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Your dog is barking because she is lonesome and is being left alone.

Where does your father sleep? Is it in a room - where the door can be left open so that she can lie down with him for a while and also get up and move around - so that she doesn't feel alone and knows that someone is near by?

I know this isn't really solving the problem -- I was thinking of trying this more for a "quick fix."

Neither of my dogs have ever barked when I leave home - so this is a hard problem for me to try and solve.

Good luck! I can just imagine your poor father trying to sleep in the same house with a barking Yorkie. I totally understand his wanting to rehome her if you (and he) can't get the barking under control.

**** I think one reason I have had such good success with my dogs is that since they were pups - I have always encouraged and let them spend time
alone doing things by themselves....even if it was only in another part of the house. And, since they have been puppies - occasionally they have spent time visiting other people... occasionally when I have gone to work or when I've gone shopping or some where else for a while. I think my pup's spending time with other people helped socialize them and also helped them realize that I wasn't the center of their universe. They learned a a young age that there was life "without me" and that they could have fun and be happy and content even when I wasn't around.

I know for sure that some people keep their puppies with them constantly - almost in their laps all the time - and then further the dependence by taking their little dogs with them every place they go. Independence and spending time alone is something that should be encouraged from the time you bring them home.

Good luck!

Carol Jean
A Yorkie is worth a thousand words.
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