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Old 08-06-2006, 05:25 PM   #1
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Default Gucci Is In Hospital Please Keep her In Your Prayers

This has been the two days from hell for me, last night in the evening, I was out and my daughter called and told me that Gucci was dry heaving, my niece told me to have her go outside and eat some grass, this helps some dogs settle their stomachs and makes them throw up if they have upset stomach. Normally Gucci doesn't eat grass but she attacted it and came inside and threw up. I figured this would be it, but as the hrs. progressed she kept licking her lips and dry heaving so I was home and took her out and she attacked the grass once more. When I came in she didnt throw up, I became worried and didn't like the way she was acting and called the emergency vet hospital. They told me to keep an eye on her or bring her in. I chose the latter. Make a long story short I spent many hrs in the ER, they were thinking she may have eaten something which obstructed her stomach, for her stomach was tender to touch or that she may have a pancreatis attack. During the night they did an exray. The results were that she just had a gastral attack, so this morning at 2 they let take her home. They gave me instructions as to no water, until the morning for fear of throwing up, but I was to give her 1 Tbsp. of water this morning every half hr. and then increase it later on in day. No food except boiled chicken and rice later on in day.
I had a bridal shower out of town, so I left my husband and son instructions, in the afternoon my son calls me and says Gucci is shaking and cannot stand, My daughter immediately tells him to give her the Nutical and take her back to the ER. He calls me back later on to tell me that she had very low blood sugar a reading of 50 which should be 100, and the nightmare begins. Now I am 2 hrs away from home and I contacted her dr. who was unavailable . I am a nervous wreck being I slept two hrs. last night and am far from home. Make a long story short Gucci's vet called me and said that they are doing further testing to see why she got Hypoglycemia for Gucci is a healthy 8.7 pd dog and is 2 yrs. old. This is very uncommon in a dog with her weight.The hospital called with some good news tonight that she held her food and her sugar went up. Tomorrow they will run more tests to see what caused this. Please say a prayer for Gucci that all will be fine I have been crying all day and night. I just love this little dog as we all do. I feel terrible that I didn't think of giving her the nutuical when I took her home this morning, It was something that I would never expect to happen with a healthy dog her size... Thanks to my daughters quick thinking I think she saved her life.

Last edited by GucciMyGirl; 08-06-2006 at 05:28 PM.
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