Thread: Pita!!!
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Old 08-03-2006, 10:18 AM   #9
YT 500 Club Member
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Soddy Daisy, TN
Posts: 733

If you want your yorkie 100% potty trained it will take a committment from you that you will NOT let up on the steps to do so until she is. It will take hard work, be very inconvenient and will require your involvement whether you are busy, tired, or not interested. So if you are willing here are the steps:

Before you begin you will need to clean your floors with an order neutralizer like Nature's Miracle of Simple Solution. (There are others, but I know these 2 work) You will need to clean the carpets and the tile/wood floor with it. You will probably need to use a rented carpet cleaner (if you have carpets) but use the above listed neutralizers. Do not use the shampoo, until after you have neutralized the odors.

Once that is done, you will need to train dog, just as if they are a puppy.

1. Keep her confined at all times, either in an x-pen or a crate, when you are not able to keep a 100% eye on her.
2. When she is out of the crate or x-pen, you will need her leashed to you with a 6' leash or you will need to confine her in one room and that is the room you are in. You will need to watch her at all times.
3. Put her on a water and feeding schedule. No free feeding. Only feed her once time a day and the same time each day. Since she is an adult, she only needs to eat once a day, anyway. Do not give her any water after 8pm at night and no water during the day while you are not there. However, you can leave her water down, when you are there(except after 8pm) and put it down in the am so she can drink before you go to work.
4. Never ever let her go outside without you. You must be in attendence at all times. You will be directing her the whole time to "go potty". You will stay out there until she goes. If she will not go, after about 15 -30 mins, bring her in, but put her in her crate. After about 10 -15 mins, take her out and out to potty again. Keep this up until she goes and then give her a treat and praise, praise, praise. After she goes she should have some free time outside the pen/crate, but you should keep an eye out on her anyway! Never take your eye out from her until she is reliably housebroken.
5. You should take her out as soon as you get up in the a.m., and right before you go to bed. Since she is an adult the rest of time you will have to play it by ear. After a while you should develope a pretty good idea of what her potty schedule should be. Her Poop times should be discernable too, since you are scheduling her feeding.
6. Take her for walks, even if she has a yard to play in. You should take her for a walk as soon as you get home from work, everyday. As these routines are built she will come to know she can count on a nice walk to work her bowel movements and to potty as many times as she wants to. Plus it's good for their constitution and gives her much needed excerise.

You must do the above and be consistent. Dogs love routine and will respond much better to consistency than anything else. You are working on getting rid of bad habits and instilling new good habits.

Always praise good behavior and ignore bad behavior. If she starts to sniff and squat in the house while you are watching her and she is on the leash, you can tug on the leash, tell her NO in a stern voice and pick her up and carry her outside to finish her business. Praise her when she is done.

I also agree that there may be some underlying emotional issues at work, if she is excessively pottying in the house when you are not there. She could be expressing some anxiety to being alone or some other problem. You will need to address those issues separately.

Hope that helps.
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