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Old 05-10-2005, 07:41 PM   #2
Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: California
Posts: 14
Default Food and Water

Are you adhering to a regular food and water schedule? By 7 months they do not need food left out all day and unless it is hot or they have been playing strenuously they really do not need water left out all the time. Are you feeding dry dog food? If so, you might try to add some warm water to create a "stew". Dry dog food causes a dog to want more water to drink. The more water the more frequent need to go pee. Do you have a crate? Crate training is really the best way to housebreak a dog. Also, even though you have tile there is still smells left that say "it is okay for me to go here". Use a new mop and clean floor with Natures Miracle and hot water. If you can, take the next few days to be with him and observe his behavior. Crate him at night, in the morning take him to designated spot first thing. Bring him in and put food and water down for 10 minutes only. You need to find out how long after eating does he need to eliminate, 10 minutes, 15, 30 etc. Dogs usually show the signs like sniffing or circling. The second this happens distract him with an unpleasant noise. I used a can filled with a few coins shaken vigorously. This scares them just enough to stop the eliminating temporarily. Then before he can have an accident take him out again. No play, just potty and lots of praise. Everytime he does the right thing he gets praised. If he even looks like he is going to eliminate inside shake the can. Bring him in to play a while. Some times dogs need to go potty after play time as well. If not put him in the crate and let him sleep. Stick to the same routine. Crate,outside,food/water/play,outside, crate...I only feed my dogs twice a day and give water 3 times a day. Do not let him have the run of the house untill he is 100% potty trained. You might have to devote some more time to get him completly housebroken...but it will be worth it.
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