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Old 07-24-2006, 07:56 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by cheryl000
I hope someone helps these kids out, bless you for doing what you can. And I'm sorry if I sound judgemental but I recommend if a child is that young and doesn't know how to swim he/she should be wearing some kind of floaties or a floation device and have someone watching at all times. When my son is in the shallow end of the pool, he still wears his jacket because he's only 4 and someone is always right there with him. Even in a crowded pool something could go wrong. Yes, mistakes DO happen, but some can be prevented.
Thank god that little boy is okay. I feel so sorry for them to have experienced so much of the bad things in life at such a young age, esspecially with their mom. Did his mom hear about what happened? Maybe after this she will want the kids to live with their uncle too. I hope things work out with your family.
You are 100% right, he should have had a life jacket on and since I was not there I dont know the true story, they say there was people in the pool with him, but if that was the case then why was he in the deep end alone?? I just dont believe them and you can believe a word these people say, I get so fed up with them and so does my husband, we try to call them and they cut us off and say they dont have enough minutes on there phone to talk, they use the prepaid cell phones. We called tonight to see if we could come get them tomorrow after are vet appt for Lillie (she gets her shots) and they cut us off before we could even ask, so were just going to go there and take them if there home.
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