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Old 07-05-2006, 07:45 PM   #1
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Default Fun Behaviors to Teach Your Pet

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Fun Behaviors to Teach Your Pet
By Yasmin Tajik

Okay, so you have the basics down such as sit, stay, down and come. How about taking it to the next level? Do you know someone whose pet knows a cool trick and wonder if your pet has the aptitude to learn more? Well, it's all in the training. Here are a few fun behaviors to teach your pet and to wow your friends with.

Teaching your dog to crawl is a fun activity that extends from the "down" behavior. Start with your pet in the down position. Place a treat directly in front of the pet's nose and pull it straight out in front of the animal. It is important to keep your hand parallel to the ground to avoid luring the dog into the standing position. Slowly pull the treat away from the dog, stopping if the dog stands up. Remember, we are only reinforcing the dog and stopping if the dog stands up. If the dog stands, simply replace the dog in the "down" position and start over. As you achieve success in the dog crawling 1-3 feet, immediately treat and praise. With more consistency in the behavior you can then add the verbal cue "crawl" and soon the dog will associate the "crawl" command with the behavior, thus diminishing the need for luring with a treat.

Cover eyes is a fun behavior for both canine and owner. As a trainer, one has to be creative in approaching how to train new and innovative behaviors, and cover eyes is one of those. With your dog in a "sit" position, place a small piece of tape on the dog's muzzle (household tape works best - no heavy duty tapes please). The dog will most likely raise either front paw to remove the tape. At the time the paw comes in contact with its muzzle, immediately treat and praise. Repeat, until the dog associates the command with the cover eyes behavior. Again, once consistent, add a verbal cue such as "cover your eyes," or "are you shy?" This behavior is one that is unique and a sure hit at your next party.

Teaching a dog to put its toys away happens in several steps and it may take a period of time for each level of succession. The first and most important step is to begin with is getting the dog to fetch and return with an object. Start by throwing your dog's favorite toy and waiting for the pet to return with it in its mouth. This is the point where the struggle usually happens between dog and owner, almost to the stage of wrestling with the pet to give up the toy. It is very important at this point that we train the animal to easily and freely give up the toy for praise. Instead of pulling at the toy while still clenched by the dog's teeth, have a treat ready so that when the dog returns and drops the toy for the treat, you can then safely pick up the toy. Use a command such as "drop," "give," or "release." In addition to the dog learning how to give up objects, it helps reduce the chances of the animal becoming possessive of toys or other objects.

The next step is to have the dog place the object into your hand. When the dog returns from the fetch, position your hand to underneath its mouth so that when the object is dropped out of the mouth it lands directly into your hand. Again, treat and praise heavily so that the dog understands that the next step of progression is to return the object to your hand. This can be its own behavior by incorporating the command "in my hand" or "palm."

After successfully training "in my hand," the next step is to have the dog place the object into your hand while partially placed in a basket or toy bin. Make sure to have a different command when incorporating the basket so that the original behavior of "in my hand" is not lost or confused by the training of the new behavior. "in the basket," "toys away," or "clean up" are a few options for the last portion of this behavior. Again, have the dog return to you with an object in its mouth. With consistency of the dog dropping the toy into your hand, which is in the basket, add your desired command. Slowly remove your hand and the dog will then completely drop the toy into the basket upon command.

Keep in mind while training this behavior that each step must be successfully completed before moving on to the next step. It can take a period of time for complete success, however, in the process, you are gaining three behaviors in one. Each step can be used at isolated times and when combined, provide you with a wonderful behavior and one more helper around the house!
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