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Old 07-01-2006, 10:48 PM   #3
Mom to 6 Beautiful Furkids
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Originally Posted by i_love_my_yorki
have heard if you get your Yorkies coat shaved right know what I mean very close shaven ....that it would grow back with a smoother coat.. ..

Does anyone know if this is true???

Scamp has hair like a sheep very wooly ......& thinking getting him shaved right down......Does it really grow in better???
How old is your Scamp?

This is only with puppies who have not made the transition from puppy hair to adult hair. This will also happen with the color, you can have a puppy with a black coat and shave it to have a silver coat grow back. So if you have a puppy hair that is cottony and you shave it, it may grow back in smoother and straighter or it may grow back in cottony if that is what his adult hair will be like. Whenever you shave an adult dog, the hair will grow back the same.

Usually you can tell by looking at the roots. For example, my Scampers who is 6 months old has fluffy wavy hair. However, from the roots to about half an inch the hair is smooth and straight and the texture itself is completely different while the rest of the hair which is about 3 inches is all fluppy and wavy. His adult coat is coming in and the fluffy wavy hair was just his puppy hair. So if I was to shave him, his hair will all come back straight and smooth.

I hope this helps!!
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