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Old 06-06-2006, 07:54 PM   #16
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Orlando, Fl
Posts: 60

Hi all,

I am dealing with the exact issue with my Jazzy right now... She just had the LP surgery one week ago today. She had level/grade 3. I had an ortho surgeon do the procedure. She was in the hospital overnight and then was in a soft cast bandage until last Friday. The healing process is 6 to 8 weeks. I have really been trying to keep her quiet and calm... a bit of a challenge for a 10 month old baby. I can try to answer questions.... Jazz is little too, she weighs 3lbs even.. She has a petite structure to her, but a HUGE spirit. Since there has been no cast/bandage since Friday, I have really had to watch her so she doesnt lick/chew on the stitches. They come out this Friday. I have been amazed at how well she has been getting around when I do let her walk.... althought tonight she seems to really be favoring her leg and I am very concerned as she really has not done that much since Saturday. I mean you can tell she is tender and uses her leg "gingerly", but tonight she has not wanted to put any weight on it at all.. I am bringing her into my vet tomorrow for my sanity....
As for the surgery process, the ortho explained to me that in her case they had to move the knee cartilage and deepen the groove in the leg bone to allow the knee cap to stay in place. Then they had to tighten one ligament & loosen another to center the knee cap. Then they put 2 pins in her leg - in the top part of the lower leg bone to straighten the leg out... Doesn't this sound painful!!! This is why I was amazed that she was even trying to walk on her leg after the cast was off... She did stay in the hospital overnight as they have staff there to tend to the animals. She had an IV until the next day to keep her hydrated and not have a drop in blood sugar from not eating for a couple of days...

BTW, I too have pet insurance - VPI - Superior Plan & 2 riders... guess what... not covered as LP is common in purebred small dogs.... I couldnt believe it... Look at the exclusion page of your policy, it will tell you there whether LP surgery is covered on your plan... I am in about $2,000 at this point. But she is worth it!!! I just want her to have a full recovery and be able to enjoy being a puppy with 4 little legs!!! Hope some of this helps... I wish she did not have to go through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your little Lea.... Hugs!! Chat with you soon. Chel
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