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Old 05-28-2006, 10:20 AM   #9
Mom to 6 Beautiful Furkids
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Originally Posted by MelAnnDoll
I am in the same situation, only she is 8 months instead of 2 years...and it's my fault she is not trained! We did really well with her when she was little, but I got depressed and couldn't get out of bed to go to work, etc. So Cappi suffered because of it. Now I have an 8 month old who is not crate trained or house broken. I work from home, so I would like to get her on a schedule. My questions, when I take her out, how long do I wait for her to "go"? Also, how do you crate train a dog that is used to having run of the house? If I am home do I put her in another room that is quiet like downstairs, or is it better for her to be in her crate in the room with me? I guess I just need help with a starting out schedule for not a puppy. Any info would be appreciated!!!
When you take her outside to go only wait for 5, 10 minutes top any longer and she will foget what she is suppose to do and you want to train her to go right away instead of her taking a half hour to go. If she does not go for those 10 minutes take her and put her back in her crate. In 15 take her out and try again and keep doing this until she goes. When she does go praise her like crazy and give her a treat. Also, don't forget to 1. ask her "do you got to go potty" right before you go out the door and 2. tell her "go potty" once she is outside where you want her to go. The first one is so that she will be able to tell you if she has to go out when you ask this and the second one is so that she knows what is expected from her when you take her outside and give her this command.

I would have to say that it is better if she is in a crate in the same room as you are.

If you keep track of how often she goes and many times a day she goes then you can try to give her run of the house if you keep with it. For example, scampers needs to go out every 5 hours except at bedtime so he gets let out 4 times a day every 5 hours. Now I know that he has to poop and pee first thing in the morining and right before bed and the other times he just has to pee. So I know that if I take him out in the morning and he does not go both that I can't let him out to go play otherwise he will have an accident. When he does go both I can let him out for awhile because I know his tank is empty and don't have to worry about him having an accident. Of course you have to keep up with it like clock work other wise they will have accidents. Consistency is the key.

Your best bet however is to just crate train her. Let her out first thing in the morning to go to the bathroom. If she goes then you can let her out for awhile based on her bathroom schedule.

I wish you the best of luck with training!!!!
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