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Old 05-02-2005, 11:08 PM   #34
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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Lightbulb Here's a proven training method that WORKS for Yapping!

Okay, I had this sam problem and this is what I did. I had to pay $3,00 in dog training to find it out, though! My Yorkie was on her way out at that time, becasue she yapped and barked all night and anytime she was in her crate!!

Here's what we did:

1) we covered her crate with a blanket to keep it dark, THEN
2) I put her crate right next to me so I could reach it from bed (do this after the crate is covered s her/she can't see what you are doing. If she knows she is by your bed, she will cry to be IN the bed with you!).
3) EVERY time she whines or hollars, I would PICK UP the crate and shake it (not so much to hurt him/her, just to startle them. Since the crate is covered, they won't know it is you and they think "Everytime I make noises, the forces of GOD shake my crate!!!) or I would bang my hand on the crate LOUDLY and just as obnoxiously as she was being.
4) Immediately after I did #3, I would say (VERY CALMLY) "QUIET!" You have to say it in a deep, manly voice, Yorkies don't listen to screechy women voices!
5) Make sure that AS SOON as he/she quiets down, you say "Good boy/girl! Good Quiet!!" Say it in a really encouraging/praising voice!
6) The more obnoxious she would continue to be, the more I reciprocated that behavior by shaking her crate. Again, you don't want her to know you are doing it, so keep the crate covered or they will just be afraid of you.. Also, don't Scream at them.

Now, if he starts up immediately after or you praise him, shake that crate again or bang loudly on the top. MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS IMMEDIATELY (AS SOON AS HE WHIMPERS OR BARKS,ETC), NOT A MINUTE LATER OR HE WON'T KNOW WHY THIS IS HAPPENING!! Also, you cannot even let him/her get away with whimpering. I thought if I let Daisy cry, but not yelp, that we'd be "fair" to her. The trainer sid that the whining is what gets worked up to the barking and yapping, so don't ven allow that! You can tailor your response to the degree of the noise he/she is making (ie; not shaking it so hard unless she is being highly obnoxious, so he knows the difference).

Another key is to NEVER take your pup out when he/she is whining. NEVER! Once you do this once or twice, he/she will learn to whine until they get what they want becasue it worked that ONE time! Be persistant! This method works with all of my puppies, also! With them, I use a shaker can and either a) bang it against their crate or b) Throw it against their crate or on the floor (both get results!). Before you take your pup out, get it to be quiet for a moment, then say "Good Girl/Boy! That's a good quiet!" Then you can take him/her out.

You always want to use the same word "Quiet!" or whatever you will use. With my puppies, I say "NO! Quiet!" They know I mean business; but I love them to death!! I just don't allow ANY yapping in my house - ever!! I allow barking only if they are playing or if someone comes to the door, but even that, they can only bark one minute, then that is it!! I say "that's enough, thank you!" They know and will stop or I'll take the fly swatter and smack it on the counter (I don't know why my Yorkies are deathly afraid of the fly swatter!!). The reason I am so strict with my Yorkies is becasue I could probably tolerate a lot more, but not everyone else will, so if something ever happened to me, I odn't want my Yorkies being bounced from home to home, just becasue I was too lazy or lax to discipline them. They are just like babies/kids, so don't let them get away with it or they'll only get worse!

Anove all , be careful and please use my system it works, I have 3 Yorkies and 5-7 puppies at all times; it works.

I do have one adult Yorkie that I just bought who is TERRIBLE and he screetches and yelps all night! I bought him a static collar receiver. Everytime he yelps, whimpers, etc, I give one audible beep warning, then if he does it again, i let him know he should not be doing that by pressing the static button an dit gives him a little static shock (it doesn't hurt, but it really gets his attention). Then I say "NO, Quiet!" I love, it; I keep the receiver remote by my bed and I have learned to even press it in my sleep without waking up!! Haha! He knows; Mommy loves you, but she means BUSINESS! His yelping has decreased by 50% alrady and we have been doing this for only a week.

My first Yorkie kept us up so much that we put her crate in the garage! She eventually learned to yelp loud enough that I could hear her in my master bedroom, with the door closed and all other doors between us closed! I thought I WAS GOING TO ACCIDENTALLY murder HER BECAUSE I WASN'T SLEEPING at all and I HATE barking (because I worry about my neighbors, plus it is highly irritating)!! She never stopped yapping! Ever! I finally put her in "doggie boot camp" training for 4 weeks! That is how I learned all of these techniques and they work, so use them and email me with any questions! I am at:

Last edited by DanteCarbajal; 05-02-2005 at 11:20 PM. Reason: typos!
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