Thread: Poochie bells
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Old 05-17-2006, 12:29 PM   #4
Kizzys Mom
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Originally Posted by Hickey007
The barking worked for my bloodhound. I had taught her how to speak on command so I started making her sit by the door and speak before I would let her out so she caught on pretty quick. She never would really bark when she wanted out. It was more like a loud whine, but whatever it was it let me know she wanted out. So if you can get her to bark each time before you go out keep that up. She'll probably catch on and eventually start doing it on her own.

As far as leaving her outside alone we had some stake things that went down in the ground that we used for our big dogs and we got one back out for Reagan here recently. I believe we got them at Wal-mart and its just this green metal stake that you drive in the ground then attach the dog to with a leash/cord. Its nice because you can put it in the middle of the yard and its not something that sticks up so you really can't see it in the yard(this can be a good thing or a bad thing, especially when you are looking for it). We made her a cord out of clothes line rope because I thought the ones they sell for dogs might be a bit too heavy for her. It works great to toss her out there on when she needs to go potty. Plus she also likes to lay out there in the sun a lot, this way I don't have to stay out there with her or keep a close look out on her. I just check in every so often and she lets me know when she wants back in if I haven't already brought her in.
yes the barking is the same way I do Kizzy. As far as outside with the pen, I do hook her to it and she can go a good ways from it. But the only time I do that is if I can keep a pretty close eye on her, because i'm scared of a hawk as there is a couple I see all along here. Also I rarely see a big dog here lately but sometimes my neighbors lets their out to roam freely. So when I cant keep a close eye on her thats when I lock her in the pen. it is a good size pen and I got it at walmart. its 42 by , I cant remember the exact measurements but its plenty big for her. its the kind you put big dogs in. So thanks, it sounds like we're doing about the same thing. she loves it outside and likes to lay in the grass.
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