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Old 04-27-2006, 03:11 PM   #32
YT 1000 Club Member
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"Let me respond by saying all your preaching is useless because the ones that are producing the outside of the standard yorkies are either puppymillers or backyard breeders and they just don't give a da--. Almost all decent breeders do adhere to the standard, which by the way is not 4 to 7 pounds, but rather no larger than 7 pounds, there is no minimum listed in the standard. Good breeders do the research before breeding."

THOSE BREEDING OUTSIDE OF THE STANDARD extend to MANY MORE "breeders" than just puppymillers and backyard breeders. One must include hobby breeders and the like. That being those that are more concerned w/ a sound temperment and a healthy dog. THERE SHOULD BE MORE THAN JUST THAT imo. If you are going to claim to breed a purebred breed- PICK ONE -then you should be responsible and educated enought to choose a standard for that purebred breed and breed within those peramiters. If not, how are you any better than someone who is breeding Fifi to Fido down the street?

Oh, and I think that the AKC should really be called the: American Kennel ClubS because you're absolutely right, they are nothing more than a registry and those that branch from the AKC-like your YTCA-should be the ones responsible to go and scout out kennels and those that are breeding the breed. This is almost impossible as it stands, but shouldn't stop those of us who feel we have a Yorkie worth breeding-not just a dog worth breeding-a beautiful;bright;healthy;standard Yorkie, to keep better track of what we're doing here. This is an "industry" spun way out of control and too many people think they've got the next hot thing and so they breed their dog and false advertise to the populous about what they're buying. People who buy an AKC Yorkshire Terrier think they are buying a gorgeous, fun loving little dog w/ a nice coat of a certain color and under seven pounds. Why is this happening to not be the case more often than not?? Because there are TOO MANY people out there throwing up their hands and saying "Well, he/she is a genetic throw back (or something)...", yeah right. Okay, then these "genetic throw backs" are happening ALL TOO OFTEN and exist to the extent to where we could almost create an entirely seperate class for them within the AKC. It's terrible.
When people picture a Yorkie, they picture the AKC Yorkie. If that's not what you're producing, why are you registering w/ the AKC?
"Big things come in small packages"
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