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Old 04-09-2006, 08:18 AM   #4
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I do, Gracie is on Clomicalm for separation anxiety. It is not something that you give them every now and then, she takes it everyday.
My poor Gracie went threw a lot of heartache last year and on top of everything that happened she almost died (she was poisoned), the vet was very concerned so she decided to put Gracie on it for a trial period to see if it would help. One year later she is still taking it. She still has bad anxiety attacks but it is nothing like it was without the medication. You know the sound they make when they get hurt, well magnify that times 10 and that is what Gracie sounded like, before the med's, when we went anywhere near the door, she would yelp so bad that she would start choking and claw at my legs like she was drowning.....
Seriously, our was a very bad case, I would try the calming plug-in's or a stress relieving treat (they make chewy sticks) before looking into the medication.
PM me if ya want, I can give you a list of the stuff that we tried before the med's and where we got it at....
Good luck!!!
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