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Old 03-21-2006, 05:20 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Yorkie3
Hi everyone, I wanted to share & get opinions on if I did the right thing concerning a potential buyer of one of my puppies. First, back in 2000 when I started my research (books, internet & more) I had contacted a few breeders in Indiana and other states to hear what they had to say and learn. I talked with one here in Indiana and was totally turned off by what she had to say. Two years went by and I started checking for the right puppies to purchase. Just so happened I mistakenly called this breeder (I should have kept her number and some notes). Well I remembered talking with her and definitely decided not to puchase from her. Well, yesterday she called me, wanting to purchase one of my babies for breeding. I am selling them with limited registration, but when I heard her voice, my mind was in overdrive trying to remember where I heard her voice. Then, I remembered. During the phone call yesterday, I told her my puppies would be quite small. She said she had 5 years experience (like that is a long time). She then told me she bred her 3 lb female and everything turned out great. I know people do this, but I am not one who agrees with this practice. I told her I don't let the puppies go until 12 weeks of age, maybe 10 weeks, at the very earliest, but would rather wait at least 12, she said she would rather have it at 5-6 weeks so she could bond with it better. Now, come on, you can purchase, rescue or whatever an adult/senior dog and be able to bond.

I wrote back the following email, please let me know if you think it was too judgemental, I really don't want to hurt her feeling, but I don't want her to purchase one of my puppies either with the beliefs that she has. If you think I should apologize to her I will. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Her email to me:

My reply:
My intent was to sell with limited registration all along, But when you called, my mind was started racing because your voice sounded so familiar. When you said you were from Urbana, then I remembered. I had called you a couple years ago in search of puppies. I don't want to sound cruel, but after our long conversation a couple of years ago, I was not impressed enough to purchase one of your puppies. Although they may be excellent quality. Then when we talked Saturday and you told me you bred a 3 1/2 lb female, I'm sorry, but with only 5 years experience like you told me you had, that is not a very responsible thing to do. I know you said she did fine, but you were lucky. If I can help it, I want my babies to go to loving, forever homes, not to breeders that think they know what they are doing. Any responsible breeders know that you have healthier (mind and body) puppies if they are kept with the mother and littermates as long as possible and 12 weeks should be the minimum. You also said that you can bond with them better, sorry, but you can purchase an adult dog and bond just as easily. You sounded on the phone like you thought 5 years experience was a long time, it's not. I did two years research before I purchased my Yorkies, and I continue researching by talking with responsible breeders and visiting their homes to learn as much as I can, knowing that I will always be learning. I'm sorry, but I would rather you purchase a puppy from some one else. Thank you for inquiring and good luck in finding the right puppy.

Best wishes
ALWAYS go with your gut feeling! I think your response to her was fine.. To the point, but not hateful..
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