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Old 03-20-2023, 01:00 PM   #18
aka ♥SquishyFace♥
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Originally Posted by matese View Post
I have had only female dogs, I had a pack of 3, all 3 years apart, that was was best time of my life. I never watched TV, my dogs were more entertaining than anything on the TV.

Teddys reaction to new puppy is the same reaction each of my girls had when I bought home a new puppy. They stayed away from her, every time one would get off the sofa wild child puppy would be hanging off the older ones tail or the hair on its hind legs.
The 3rd puppy I bought home now I had two 3 and 6 years old staying away from bouncy ball of hair. It took 2 months before either of the older ones would stay on the floor with her. In the end, the older ones were the momma, they spoiled the puppy rotten, if they were playing with a toy and the baby wanted it, they let her have it.
All 3 were BFF. The baby, they made a Diva outta her.
I now have an adopted boy now, a gift to me from my vet. He was a surrender due to financial reasons, not an abused dog, and he came to me very spoiled.

I have all his medical papers from prev. owner. He was nurtured at 6 mos old. He squats when he makes a pee-pee, he has never marked in the house and I have him almost 10 years. I had to re-educate myself now on male dogs. YT was a great help with this.
Having 2 dogs takes time to get use to, but you will get into the swing of things in a short time, having a yorkie is like potato chips, ya can't have just one
Yes, listen to advise and suggestions, but all decisions will be solely yours. We put it out there for not only you, but for others that will that post.
Thanks. It helps to know what others have experienced and also helps to think there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Two months sounds like a long time but it seems that patience has been a reward with your dogs and I will definitely think about this when I become disheartened. I am very protective of Teddy but I made this commitment so I need to be ready for some upheaval, new experiences (good and bad) and lead my dogs.

Teddy has made some improvement today. He went through the kitchen, where we're keeping the puppy, to come see if I had anything from dinner to offer

He had a not so great interaction with puppy today so I'm surprised he was able to overcome this enough for a treat.

He likes to watch from a distance today, instead of avoid eye contact altogether, but at night he seems to want to be on his own and away from the puppy even if it's just eyesight.

It's only been 48 hours so I know we have more time we have to let pass.

If you think it will help, I'll update to help others, if possible. As you say, it's not just about my particular situation. Maybe this post will help others?

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