Thread: What upsets me
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Old 10-28-2020, 05:10 PM   #10
♥ Love My Tibbe! ♥
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To me, overfeeding a dog until it is so fat it's unhealthy and miserable is every bit as cruel as starving it. I realize the overfed dog feels loved and pampered but his health is forever compromised and he's even unable to live a normal dog's life, usually dies way too soon. Dogs so fat they barely can drag themselves out of their bed it's so hard on their bodies are abused animals to the point of being unable to ambulate or even function normally but society rarely worries or helps them like it does those poor starving babies. I've seen many an obese toy dog with its belly almost touching the floor, struggling to walk and likely in pain from the pressure on its limb joints and wonder how it tolerates the strain on its little back and belly muscles and nerves, yet they suffer in silence without anyone trying to help them same as the starving dog.

Why people think stuffing their dogs with overtreating and table food until they are unhealthy is showing love and kindness when they can see the result right before their eyes makes me wonder about their sanity at times. My sister's overfed poor dog was so fat the last 2 weeks of his life he couldn't even lie still for long his poor heart was laboring so to pump enough oxygen to his body and he was obviously in pain, working hard just to breathe so all he knew to do was try to change positions every 5 minutes. He'd been diagnosed with heart failure, was on medications for it yet during visits here both sis and husband treated the dog almost every other bite they took! He'd force himself to reach up for the bite and then fall back to his lying position. You could hear his breathing it was so loud and this was a 25 lb. toy dog whose normal weight was under 8 lbs. I couldn't stand it and had to beg out of visits until he finally died and I was relieved to hear it for his sake.

No matter how I told them they were killing him with love, they just couldn't get it. He was their beloved baby and wanted that food. Said they felt so guilty not sharing with him! I finally decided I had to call to call their cities' Animal Control for help but he died before they could get to him. I still feel guilty for not telling on my family sooner but she was my best friend in the world, a beloved sister, and he was like my brother. It would have killed them thinking I had reported them but they killed their dog with 'kindness and let me tell you that poor baby suffered to the last.

Please don't think overfeeding your dogs is good or loving. It is abuse.
Jeanie and Tibbe
One must do the best one can. You may get some marks for a very imperfect answer: you will certainly get none for leaving the question alone. C. S. Lewis

Last edited by yorkietalkjilly; 10-28-2020 at 05:15 PM.
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