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Old 12-09-2019, 08:39 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Lovetodream88 View Post
You can’t just go to the store for venison normally and it’s very expensive. There is nothing wrong with hunting for food. What do you think was done before the grocery stores opened? Hunting isn’t cruel. People who hunt are not cruel people either.
Promised to get off my soapbox but since you asked the question, of course, if we had no other way to feed ourselves or our families and had no access to meat other than hunting wild game for it, we'd have to hunt and kill our meat, however ugly the process might seem to us. Hopefully, we, as a society, draw the line somewhere at wholesale butchering of wild animals when meat became readily available on the corner store and now even online. Game meat is for sale at many local farms and ranches and online.

The magnificent, beautiful, exotic tiger, amazing, imperial lion, noble, long-lived elephant, the graceful, elegant leopard, lovely bald eagle, are all now legally protected I believe, necessary due to bloodthirsty game hunters. I hope hunters aren't actually all cruel, savage people, just mostly folks who haven't thought about the wild animal they target for a kill as perhaps the sole provider for its young family or a simply as a lovely, free being living by its wits worthy of living its life for its own needs, pursuits and pleasures when those same hunters can easily buy food in today's society. So why spill its blood?

Can't help but wonder why avid hunters don't hunt cows, chickens, pigs or goats and just seem to want to hunt and take the lives of wild, free 'game' beasts like tigers, lion, bear, leopards, giraffe, elephant, deer, wild rabbits and game birds on the wing? Is it because they all know to flee from predators and strive with all their efforts to get away and live on - and the others don't - usually don't offer any resistance at all unless we hurt or try to restrain them? Is it the resistance and abject fear of the poor wild animal that drives the hunter to love to stalk, chase and kill it, spill its blood, to conquer it? What brings out the need of some humans in today's world of plenty to hunt and kill the animals that fear and try their best to run from we humans? And I further wonder why all that fish and meat in supermarkets or the butcher shop and even game meat for sale isn't good enough? Oops, sorry all, slipped back up onto that soapbox!

I'm afraid we'll just have to agree to disagree about wild 'game' hunting in this day and time when all kinds of foods, fish, meats and even game meat are not that hard to buy. Heck, today, we don't even have to venture out of our homes to order any kind of food to be delivered right to our front door! (Once again, for those who have skip-read or haven't seen my previous posts about the topic of hunting, not forgetting the point I've repeatedly made, that if a human hunts wild game from need, to prolong life, to truly make ends meet or protect itself or its belongings, the taking of that wild life is considered a necessary act of self-preservation.)

BUT, to bring us back to this happy thread, we can all on this forum agree that this thread that lauds the great Pact Act bill, created and brought to our Congress by animal-lovers and signed into law by our President, has made our beloved dogs and animals everywhere and their fans and families a whole lot safer and happier is a good thread - haha, my favorite in a long time!
Jeanie and Tibbe
One must do the best one can. You may get some marks for a very imperfect answer: you will certainly get none for leaving the question alone. C. S. Lewis

Last edited by yorkietalkjilly; 12-09-2019 at 08:42 PM.
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