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Old 05-05-2019, 04:22 AM   #44
Resident Yorkie Nut Donating YT 20K Club Member
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Originally Posted by magicgenie View Post
Ladyjane's distortions and flourishes have made me really ugly. She twists everything I write into something else and I feel I should come on and defend myself.
Some of what you say here is true, some is not. I stopped trying to communitcate via email when you kept responding to emails with phone calls. I switched to the phone for communication with you. Sometimes you answered my calls, sometimes you ignored my voicemails. Now you say you replied to my demand call with a text. I don't use text messaging and never open that ap except once in a while by accident.
I'm pretty sure I let you know I was upset when you sold to someone else a female you'd promised to me last year. You said the reason was that her back had roached and you felt that rendered her unacceptable for my purposes. Why on earth did it not occur to you to contact me then and explain the situation? I was making kennel and breeding plans around her. That might have been a great opportunity to discuss a partial refund.
Think back to when this all started. I originally paid you for a young adult female and an interest in the litter of puppies she was carrying. I told you then she would be my last dog as I was winding down my kennel and preparing for retirement. When I contacted you about when you would be shipping her and my share of the litter you informed me half the litter had died though I was welcome to a male of the two surviving puppies. The dam, Lily, had had eclampsia and was looking frail, possibly from diabetes. Again, I learned this by contacting you, not you reaching out to me. Nevertheless, we decided there was no point in you shipping me a non-breedable female, and I didn't need a male puppy. I even sold the male for you from this great distance. You placed him with one of my referral customers for the price I was getting. In retrospect, I should have taken him myself, but I was still hopeful this would work out and grateful my life wasn't as complicated as yours. Months turned into years and this recent missed communication has culminated in this mess.
To clarify, after the original YT post you did phone and we agreed you'd ship a female puppy last Wednesday. The travel nanny had to reschedule and I requested a postponement due to a litter due. It's pretty much a day trip to the airport and back and I didn't want to be away from home.
I'm quite ill and putting my affairs in order in anticipation someone else will have to take over at some point. This transaction with you was the most complicated of all. My sister was less than supportive when I said I was paying another $450 to ship a puppy here now. You've never offerred a refund though you did mention you might if your circumstances changed. What makes ladyjane think I can sell your puppy for my price? There's always a chance of that, but right now I have puppies of my own breeding to sell.
Anyway, Lulu's babies are safely here and I just received oxygen tanks to drive around with so I can go to the airport without involving my sister, so please call me about that.
If ladyjane really wants to help, she should stay off this thread until it's over.
LMAO ... you get on here with your impulsive posts and nasty attacks and now blame me for calling it all exactly what it is? I twist things? LOL were you looking in the mirror as you typed that? You have behaved poorly in my opinion and that isn't my fault. You also KEPT getting on here coming back at me. Even this morning you post the above nonsense and then suggest I should stay off the thread. The thread should not have BEEN here in the first place .. THAT is what I said from the start and stand by it. There WAS another way, but you didn't even try. It was and IS highly offensive that you chose to malign Deb as a breeder even stooping so low as to accuse her of being a thief and crooked.

As to your own have BEEN breeding Deb's pups all along. How many have been in your lines? THAT is why I said something about the price .. I would love to see how many pups you have sold over the years for $1,500; and also would love to see how many of Cruz's pups (and any other of Siller's dogs) for over your bottom line of over $2,500.

I honestly don't care what you think of me. I am happy to have shown Deb some support because she is a kind person and, in my opinion, did not deserve the vitriol. What you did went beyond the pale.

This is a public forum and we all need to think long and hard about the fact that others will read and/or respond to things we post. It may not always be what we want to read/hear.

Last edited by ladyjane; 05-05-2019 at 04:24 AM.
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