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Old 05-06-2018, 01:41 AM   #1
Yorkie Talker
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Question Fast developing eye infection?

Hey everyone,

Had a short night of 5 hours today. Wake up to look at my girls face and notice her left eye not looking alright.
Half the eyeball was covered in white/ creamy mucus (?) and the water line was covered in a yellow crust. It looked brutal.

After cleaning it up she looked completely normal. No redness, didn't paw her eyes (she did before I cleaned them), eye is open and not cloudy, she ate and played, gums look normal, she peed and pooped normally, no nose discharge, no fever.
An hour later I noticed white creamy mucus in the corner of her eye again. Still no redness, eye not swollen, still wide open.

Because it's Sunday there is only an emergency clinic and they said to only contact them if it's something that cannot wait whatsoever.
We have just seen the vet 6 days ago (for shots) and I asked about her eye tearing to rule out ingrown hair/lashes/allergies and they said the lash line is fine and the eyes looked perfectly healthy.

I am concerned because she looked normal before I went to bed and in just five hours she developed this infection (?)
I clean her eye boogers and tears everyday during our morning routine and would've noticed if something was wrong. However she is currently on ear drops (steroids), does that matter?

Does this classify as "emergency"? Is there anything more I should check? Can this wait a day or two? Which kind of infection develops this fast?

Thanks for your advice!
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