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Old 04-24-2017, 07:30 PM   #10
Yorkie Ratio11
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Hendersonville, nc
Posts: 2
Exclamation Janie Felkins OK YORKIE BREEDER

I wish i had seen this post years ago. I bought my very first dog at a pet store in southwest florida in 2007. He was a sweet male yorkie that came with his certificate of pedigree and, from what i was told, a reputable breeder. When i first brought him home one of his ears would not stand up. After a few days of him constantly messing with that ear, i took him to the vet and found he had an ear infection. The pet store reimbursed the cost of the visit and ensured me it was common, nothing to worry about. I also noticed that he would have episodes of shaking alot. Being a first time puppy mom i thought it was because he was little and cold. As he grew, the shaking episodes never stopped but in fact worsened. I spent thousands of dollars on testings of all kinds and specialist. They first told me it was a liver shunt and he couldnt process protein...needless to say we found out that wasnt the case. But the vet was at a loss and didnt know what was wrong with him. Then more and more testing ensued. In 2014 i found my yorkie unable to move on the floor. I rushed him to the emergency vet and he was in ICU for 3 days. I found out that he had been in a "constant siezure" that he couldnt break from. After those 3 days he was released back to my care. I had a feeling that he had epilepsy but the vets i spoke with told me that they were not frequent enough for meds. That the meds would probably cause more harm because of his size and weight and they were worried about his liver....Thanksgiving 2016 i noticed him trying to pee but he couldn't. I again took him to the vet and they took xrays. He had bladder stones. So many, it looked like a pearl necklace through his urethra. Vet said i had 2 options. Emergency surgery, with no guaranty or put him down....the surgery cost me $3000. His bladder was completely removed and rinsed out since there were so many....he has since healed from the surgery. He is on phenbarbitol for his siezures. He just turned 10 years old on 4/22/17. BEWARE OF THIS "BREEDER" ....I have since learned my lesson the hard way. Although i love my ziggy more than anything...i will always adopt and never shop for a dog! In 10yrs my sweet yorkie, ziggy, has been my $30k best friend. Many would have just put him down. But hes my buddy, my best friend.
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