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Old 04-08-2017, 08:56 PM   #42
YT 1000 Club Member
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Well my little Keally had IBD all her life and separation anxiety also. She was potty trained on pee pads but she sure tore up everything. She scratched our bedroom door when it accidentally got shut. She sometimes would poop on things I cherished. She pawed my new mahogany bedroom set and made deep scratches. Those scratches are my memories of my dear Keally. If anyone else had her they probably would of put her down but she was lucky to have my husband and me.Lots of damages but we loved her and we knew she loved us. We tried everything to help her and realized her separation anxiety could not be cured. We did not know too much about yorkies and she was sold to us at six or seven weeks old. Anyways it is too bad you feel that way about your fur kid. I would give anything to have Keally back even with her problems. Why don't you give your dog to a yorkie rescue where she can be loved. Susan
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