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Old 04-08-2017, 08:01 AM   #38
YT Addict
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Personally I would never put down one of my Pets unless they are in pain. By then I would've explored everything to make sure that there is absolutely no chance of them recovering. I have four cats and two Yorkies. One cat and one yorkie have heart disease, they are both old, my other yorkie has never been fully House-trained not through my fault (husband the culprit!) and I spend a lot of my day cleaning up pee. I try to make the job as easy as possible by using nappies etc. sometimes and it takes me ages to set out everyone's food at meal times. When I lose a pet I always feel some guilt trying to blame myself for something which I didn't cause, so definitely wouldn't put this poor yorkie down, I wouldn't be able to handle the guilt.
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