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Old 04-07-2017, 01:15 PM   #31
Yorkie mom of 4
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Originally Posted by pstinard View Post
By 100% potty trained, I mean NEVER have an accident. But my main point is that whatever degree of potty training the OP's dog had has now been completely lost. I don't remember my childhood German Shepherd ever having an "accident" (although I have to admit that it would have been my parents who would have found one and cleaned it up). However, she became completely incontinent during the last weeks of her life as she underwent kidney failure. I cleaned up after her then, until one day while I was at school, my parents had her put down and buried in the back yard without my knowing about it. I was traumatized because I didn't get a chance to say goodbye...

Be that as it may, it would be wonderful if vets were trained to help people make end-of-life decisions for pets. It's difficult for pet owners to judge whether their pet is suffering, or whether the owner is being selfish in wanting a suffering dog to stick around purely for the owner's benefit. I feel for the OP, and I don't think that we in Yorkietalk have enough information to judge the owner's heart or make a decision that is better made between the owner and veterinarian, taking the health and happiness of the dog into account.
I was a bit older when we had the dogs i grew up with. Our first dog didn't have an accident until the disc in her back broke and she could not walk and sadly we had to put her down that day. Our other dog when he got old he started having seizures and would pee when he had them. Then our other one never had accidents but had to be put down for other health issues. Callie seriously is 100% trained even at other people's houses. Occasionally it would be fine if she has accidents during a hurricane or massive storm but nope she wont and I have tried fake grass and even when we knew a bad one was coming my dad cut up a piece of grass with dirt and everything a put it in the garage and nope didn't work. Most dogs that are potty trained feel ashamed when they go bathroom inside my teach went over this when we went over patient care and said they see to feel ashamed when they go potty in the runs at the vet hospital so love on them and pet them and make them feel better. I remember when Callie had her first surgery on her knee she stayed over night and they called early the next morning and said ok shes doing mostly ok but she will not go to the bathroom for us so maybe you should come get her, so I did and I took her out and she peed forever. Joey is I would say almost 100% his last accident was months ago. I guess because my dogs are potty trained if one of them started going potty in the house I would be fine cleaning it up if it meant longer time with them as long as they were not suffering.
My babies Joey, Penny ,Ollie & Dixie
Callie Mae, you will forever be in my heart!
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