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Old 02-27-2017, 09:09 AM   #64
Yorkie mom of 4
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Originally Posted by Wylie's Mom View Post
Brit - you're not rambling, I totally get what you're saying and agree. And like you, I used to feel much more opposed to certain brands/foods - and I no longer feel that black and white about it. Every dog is different and can react differently to whichever food.

I'm not against Hills/SD/RC/Purina etc foods - - however, I really do not like their big-pharma methods of marketing, the results of which we see here at times. It's almost impossible to have a real discussion with someone who believes marketing messages as facts - that's what I really hate seeing. That, and the marketing those companies do with vet students, that's just a disaster in terms of a vet's nutritional education, which is already practically nil.

One thing I really don't like hearing, though, is when people call the Rx diets "crap" etcetera. They can truly, truly be a miracle solution for so many dogs. And honestly, that's where those companies should focus on shining bright. Wish they would.

I could say so many boring things about ingredients ...but I'll refrain. My main concern with ingredients comes from the *fact* that allergies in all canines is rampant (yorkies even more rampant, by far!). Talk to a Vet Derm about the astounding increase in dog allergies over the last 20 years - so interesting! So, I actually do think it's very important to try to feed our dogs in such a way that avoids the higher-potential allergen ingredients like corn / high grains etcetera - it could mean the difference btwn triggering an allergy in your dog, or not. Also btw, the huge increase in dog allergies over the last few decades coincides remarkably with our decades of SO over-vaccinating multiple generations of dogs, which some say is the likely cause of all the allergies we now see today.....making proper vaccinating even more important.
I'm sorry if I came off as not being able to see both sides that was not my intention. I have very much learned at the end of the day nothing is black and white. Also getting fed cheap Walmart food because that's all that can be afforreded is better then the dog being put to sleep or left sad in a shelter. Royal Canin is my go to food and top on my list but that doesn't mean other stuff that aren't Hills or Royal Canin aren't. I'm picky extremely so I won't touch purina and they supposedly do testing and everything else but after their chicken jerky killing so many dogs and them taking forever to pull it and still producing beniful when that to is being linked to dog deaths I lost my trust in them. I love Now Callie did great on that when she was on it. I'm just leary of these brand new companies that pop up but being leary of new stuff can be a good thing. Im sure that what they are putting in and on dog food and human food is making all of us have issues. I notice more allergy issues in humans too. I wish Callie had taken to home cooking because I feel like done right that's one of the best ways to feed but I guess my cooking wasn't good lol. What works for some dogs might be the worse choice for others. I think a lot goes into picking a food not jut ingredients and that was my big point. Two people could sit for hours researching dog food and come up with two completely different opinions. There may be no right dog food because it's not a one size fits all thing. Kinda like a person who goes on an all McDonald's diet and does fine vs me who goes on it and has serious GI issues. Every person and every dog is different.
My babies Joey, Penny ,Ollie & Dixie
Callie Mae, you will forever be in my heart!
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