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Old 01-30-2017, 06:01 AM   #5
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Joshuatree
Posts: 2

Hi I have found that if I keep the water dish on the floor while mine eats, then take her outside very shortly after, walk with her on a leash in the area you want her to potty in. When she goes be exceedingly happy even if you have to look like an idiot outsie��
treat her like a toddler and offer water often throughout the day and take her out on the leash a very short time after.
With the poo problem, do the same thing. Offer food as often as you and your vet feel she should eat and make a schedule that works for you . The key is to take her out to the area not long after she eats and don't stand still. If you walk around she will and that is when there little bodies start to work in that area. Just like when they are babies. If you pick them up as soon as a baby wakes up and carry them outside they lurk that's where they need to go.
Human language and doggy Communication sometimes feels foreign but if you play close attention to her when you start doing this she will tell you when she wants to go out she might come up and look you on the face she might stand by the door she might look at you funny you'll start to realize her signs when you start really watching her, you will learn what her potty faces Is eventually and if you've never been told anything like this then you had no way of knowing that your dog is not going to just go out the doggie door to go potty . Don't stress �� Just give it a try...
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