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Old 11-22-2016, 12:28 PM   #3
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Spain
Posts: 4

Hi. He's feeling much better now, thank you very much for asking! Poor him, was in pain whole night. We cried together.
Thank God, the vet told us it's nothing too serious - not infectious nor HGE. We took a bloody stool sample to vet and he also had one blood test there. Our lucky boy is not dehydrated, least not yet. That was a big concern for us, since he refused to drink water for 12 hours.
Now he is on treatment for ulcer gastrointestinal. We need to find a solution to make him take his pills every 12 hours. We already tried hiddding em in apple - doctor said it's recommneded to give him small apple treats. He's a big apples lover but he can smell the medicine inside and he obviously refuse to eat it. Any tips for that? If we try to hold him he becomes agitated and i'm worried that he can hurt himself. I'm out of ideas. What else can I try?
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