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Old 10-21-2016, 05:08 AM   #14
YT 1000 Club Member
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My Gidget turned 9mos today. I too am getting ready to move into an apartment. I started her on pee pads when I got her and she used them until had shots were completed. I was living in a house at that time so taking her outside was no problem. Last year ( before I got Gidget) we has a bad storm--rain, sleet, snow and then more sleet on top of that. I couldn't even get out of the house because the back deck and front porch were frozen with 2 inches of ice. I started taking Gidget outside and then decided I needed to do something before winter set in again. So, I started her on the pee pads when we were inside. She also went for walks several times a day but but use the pads when we were inside. I tried the crate training and she went ballistic and wouldn't use it. Finally just kept her confined to a kitchen/dining room area but that didn't work either. She used the pad sometimes and other times peed wherever she was standing. Two months ago, I bit the bullet and bought the Potty Training Puppy Apartment. At first, I just left the doors open and let her investigate. Now, she using the apartment when we're in the house. She will let me know when she needs to pee or poop (she stays on her leash all day so I can keep up with her), then she will LEAD me to the PTPA. Only an accident when I ignore her signal that she needs to do something. I'll be moving into an apartment (hopefully by the end of the year) and she'll be used to going in it. She sleeps with me at night but stays in there when I need to leave for several hours and can't take her with me. We still go for walks during the day and she pees and poops outside but she gets no praise or rewards for doing it outside. Only praise and rewards when she uses her PTPA. Has lessened the stress on both of us! I know others on this board don't like the idea, but it works for us and that's the only thing that matters to me. Am looking forward to a long, healthy, stressfree life with my Gidget.
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