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Old 06-13-2016, 06:40 PM   #1
Yorkie Yakker
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Default Auntie and Uncle to Yorkie

Hi everyone,

I introduced myself a few weeks ago. DH and I babysit a seven-year-old Yorkie named Trupa who belongs to one of our neighbors. Trupa spends weeks at a time with us and is currently vacationing here.

We love her so much. She's a big girl: 16 pounds as of this morning. We're carefully monitoring her food intake and we take her on walks totaling three miles a day. Today was a rest day, so she only went out to potty.

It was also spa day. I gave a her a bath and trimmed some of her hair with my personal hair scissors. She has a curly cotton coat on her torso and it's in a puppy cut that's growing out. I trimmed her bangs so she could see (her mom doesn't let them grow long enough to clip back), her feet (including between the pads) and her tail area. She looks so pretty and is incredibly soft. She loves the attention and enjoys being groomed.

I posted pics in my album a few weeks ago. I need to take new ones.

DH and I have kept pet birds (parrots and starlings) for ages and I have an aging guinea pig. We love dogs and had already agreed that when our current pets pass, we will get one. Yorkies weren't even on our radar, but we have totally fallen in love with her. She's incredibly smart, loving, playful and sensitive. I have no doubt that we will get a Yorkie.

We want one that's around her size -- at least over 10 pounds. That's a good size for terrier roughhousing, which we and the dog enjoy. Also, I am a walker, and would like to have one that can put in at least a couple of miles with me. I have been reading this site and understand that a number of you have "teapot" Yorkies. Of course, I haven't seen any breeders advertise them that way, so finding one from a breeder might be tough. I am already watching the adoption and rescue sites, even though we're nowhere ready to adopt, yet.

This post may be so much mindless drivel, but I wanted to let you know that I'm here and that I am reading and learning from you all. And I'm enjoying looking at your beautiful furbabies.
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