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Old 03-10-2016, 04:14 PM   #2
Rosehill Yorkies
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I have been dealing with yorkies since 1978....and I have had dogs in general every year of my life since 1954....every toy/small dog I have owned has been free fed....and I have never had one kill itself by overeating! If they are "starving" when you first go to free feeding, they may think they have to eat everything including the bowls, before it is removed and they are still hungry, but once they realize they can grab a bite on and off, when they get hungry, eating evens out and no one has ever eaten themselves to death! That has been MY experience with free feeding over the last 45+ years.....
I would ask myself if my dogs were "starving" when the food goes have read an article, have you likewise read the bag of food and the recommendations that specific food recommends you feed? When you put down that 1/4 cup of food, do they inhale it and swallow it down in 3 mouthfuls, and then desperately rummage around the empty bowl for more? In MY mind, 1/4 cup of food is not enough for a dog that weighs 13 and 14 lbs....and what frame is that weight carried on? THAT will help you determine if you are feeding enough...LOOK at your dogs....are they skinny? are they looking malnourished? are they always eating every moving thing in site, a good indication they are constantly hungry? I have always used instructions as a guideline, and then observed my dogs closely and determined if they needed more or less than the recommended amount, based on my own judgement, reinforced by observation of my animals.....look at your pet and go by that!
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