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Old 02-03-2016, 04:01 PM   #20
Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by theevieempire View Post
I am so sorry for your loss and feel your pain. I like to believe just as I do with humans that these little ones come into our life for a reason and the day they leave us was already in some great book somewhere.
Neither of you should feel any guilt, as it was purely an accident, but as humans these are the emotions that are completely normal and we unfortunately have to work thru.
They come into our lives in a whirlwind of love, it's so hard when it's time to give them back up to the heavens. I'm going to light a little candle for Edith and keep you and your husband in my thoughts.
Thank you for the comforting words, my husband and I are still going thru that day over and over again. We miss her so much and her brother looks so sad. I know time starts to heal and right now the heartache is so intense it feels like it will never go away.

Yorkie Talk has been such a godsend. My husband read all the kind word and just cried, he felt some comfort in the sympathy of expressed by fellow yorkie lovers. Thanks again all u are a great group.
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