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Old 01-18-2016, 02:22 PM   #4
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Fascinating! Thanks for posting. I admit it took me a while to figure out what this all meant, but I'm taking "efficacious for this study cohort" in the conclusion as a good thing.

I've felt for years that vaccines that work for 200 pound mastiffs should not be given in the same amounts to my 5 pound Yorkie. Jillie got sick during her last booster, and I'm honestly thinking of not putting her through it again. It will mean the end of her therapy dog career, but I'd much rather have her be healthy.

Please keep us informed of any developments.
Mike ~ Doting Dad to Jillie, Harper, Molly, Cooper, Eddie (RIP), Lucy (RIP), Rusty (RIP) and Jack (RIP). Check us out on YouTube
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