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Old 11-09-2015, 01:42 PM   #19
YT Addict
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Redwood City, CA, USA
Posts: 405

I google searched Yorkie puppies for sale in the bay area for months and I finally saw an ad on Ebay with the cutest puppies with thick coats which is exactly what I was looking for. I'm not sure if the breeder I got Beowulf from was a byb but the parents were registerd with AKC however she gave me papers to register him with NAPR. Had a one year health guarantee contract. Gave me some daytime and night medicine for heartworm and hypoglycemia. I paid $1,200 for him. We were supposed to take him to her for his last parvo shot and our refrigerator broke down that day and I called her 30 min before we were supposed to meet her to let her know we couldn't make it and she was upset because she had already mixed the medication and it would go to waste if she didn't use it. She said I paid for this what are we going to do? He needs his shot within the next 3 days. I called her the next day, no answer. Both my boyfriend and I called her the day after, no answer. I left her a VM and she never got back to us. So we never heard from her again, but thankfully we have a healthy happy baby so far and no need to contact her anyway.
Beowulf's Mommy
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