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Old 11-09-2015, 12:31 PM   #16
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by Yorkiemom1 View Post
I saved and saved and saved and finally I had $500.00 hidden away....this was back in 1978....I was married at the time and my ex husband would spend any money he could get his hands on, on stuff that HE wanted.....and yes, idiot in love that I was, I put up with that crap! and worked 8-12 hour shifts too!!....I went all the way out to Conroe I think it was...I think I remember the name of the breeder but I dont want to say who it was, I found out years later she used to be on this site!.......the first baby I got, died on me with 3 weeks.....I squalled and cried and begged and pleaded with her to refund my money as the pup had died of a "congenital malposition of internal organs"......she finally said she would let me pick another baby, but no refund....I drove all the way out there and a tiny little adorable precious baby stuck to me like glue.....but she wanted 500.00 MORE for this baby.....I did the best thing I have ever done, I went back home and found ham radio equipment and car tools hidden in the garage my sneaky, lying husband had bought and hidden from me in the garage, I sold it to a mechanic at the corner service station for $1000.00 and went and bought my little dog! THAT little dog lasted 4 months, then became desperately ill and died....the emergency vet clinic was so distraught over the loss of that tiny little dog, THEY paid for the autopsy at A&M because they had never seen anything like it and they were desperate to know what had happened....THAT baby had a twisted mesentaric artery, and as the baby grew, blood supply was cut off from internal organs.....well, needless to say, that breeder was offering me ANOTHER dog, no money back, but I wouldnt have gotten another dog from her if she had paid ME to take one. THAT was when I decided I would breed Yorkies so I could supply people HEALTHY babies that would not die on them, breaking their hearts....and from 1978 until 1998, I studied and absorbed everything I possibly could, taking classes, attending seminars, working with vets for free just to gain knowledge, meeting and associating with breeders, learning from people that were well established breeders, how to do this right, etc......So all my babies (pets) are bred by me, for me....and I know they are healthy, well adjusted, beautiful, and will live long healthy lives....
Great news!.....
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