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Old 09-21-2015, 08:08 AM   #228
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Miss Tink had been doing well for a good while, but we have had some tummy issues pop up again. Yesterday she vomited in the morning, then didn't want to eat for me for the rest of the day. I tried to be "Dr. Mom" and give her any kind of tummy medication to help, but with no luck, she still didn't feel good this morning so off to the vet we went.
Her blood work looks good, so the vet is thinking her tummy issues are because of an ulcer... so we have some new medications to add to our regimen to treat. It isn't terrible news, but this poor little girl is on SO many different medications, I do not think there is one meal that she gets that does not have some medication added into it. My boyfriend made me "put up" her medication container because he doesn't like to think that she needs so many different medications. But, if it helps her, then that is the important part. She was very clingy and needy last night, poor baby. When her tummy hurts I give her "belly massages" which she seems to really like. I lay her on her back then softly rub her belly, which usually puts her to sleep, my little Princess. Thank you for keeping Miss Tink in your thoughts, maybe the new meds will help in the future. I am sure Miss Tinky is going to be very happy to come home this evening and I pray she will want to eat for me.
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