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Old 09-17-2015, 03:40 PM   #1
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Angry My dog eats poop

Big rant coming.

My second dog, who just turned 1, likes to eat poop. He's been doing this since the beginning. We have tried so many things, pineapple, medicine thing our vet gave us, cleaning up frequently, yelling, giving him a firm no. It doesn't matter, he still does it. There's times that it seemed like he hadn't been doing that for awhile but recently he's been doing it more.

He not only will eat his own poop, but my other dogs too. He likes to go outside and just eat what he finds. We already have had to take him to the emergency (which cost us a lot of money by the way) because he ate something at the park. Its like he's always hungry and his life mission is to find food. Whenever we go to visit family, that's all he is doing, sniffing around and trying to find whatever he can eat. He has eaten my parents dogs food / treats before. While our other dog is the opposite, she loves people and loves to interact with them. We definitely feed him enough, we even have feed him more than we used to and now both dogs eat the same amount (and he is skinnier / weighs less)

The biggest issue too is that he loves to do it in the carpet. Our carpets are destroyed, we are looking to replace the main floor but we just can't replace everything right now. He loves to pee / poo on the stairs. If we are downstairs or upstairs, he will sneak off and pee / poo on the middle of the stair. So we block the stairs so he can't go up there and do his business. But sometimes we forget or we stop watching him for a minute and then, there he goes he has soiled the carpet again. The thing is, a lot of times he does that and then he eats his poop as to "clean up" after himself.

It is so nasty to see him do that, and then think that he will try to lick us later. We try to clean his mouth but I don't think that will do much. Does anyone have any tips of what else we can try? Sorry for the rant, I'm just very frustrated. I also just found out that I'm pregnant and I don't want to bring a baby into this mess. It makes me sick to think about a baby crawling around the nasty carpet or still having to deal with a misbehaving dog.

Help please!
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