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Old 09-17-2015, 01:05 AM   #14
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Canada
Posts: 60

WOW, this really is an Amazing community! I want to first thank all of you for putting the time and effort into answering my question!

I was planning on buying from a place called, has anyone heard of them?...They come up when I search for breeders in my area (Toronto), but they charge like $2500 for "Teacups" as you guys mentioned to be careful of.

However they are selling lots, I mean every time they are sold out and they sell the next set of puppies the next month, and they offer Warranties and only sell to be people in person they feel are fit to look after the dog etc...

So I guess from my understanding from these posts, my initial costs will be expensive, but thereafter will be much cheaper generally speaking? So on average around $600 a year give or take.

Lastly, can anyone recommend a reputable Breeder in Toronto that's sells the smaller size Yorkies?

Thanks again!!
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