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Old 08-29-2015, 04:38 PM   #5
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Did he bite when he was younger? If not, then I would think it is because of a health issue.

I had a dog that I loved dearly. She was the kind of dog that followed me everywhere and wanted to be with me all the time.

Then she got cancer. I did all I could to make her comfy. It got to the point where she didn't know who I was anymore and she did bite my teenage daughter (drew blood and left a scar). She attempted to bite my son and also myself. She no longer followed me around. She just wanted to lay in her open crate all day long. I would go sit in front of her crate and talk to her and tell her how much I loved her and she would growl at me. She no longer knew who I was or what she was doing. It broke my heart to see her like that. She started attacking other dogs with no warning that were walking by, she had always loved every dog she met.

I hope your dog is okay. I am glad you are taking him to the vet. My girl was only 4 when I had to call the vet one day and tell them that she had absolutely no idea who we were anymore and it was too dangerous for me to keep her. I know she would have bit us again and she was attacking other dogs. Our other dog was acting up really badly and I was worried he wouldn't survive well without her, but he actually got better once she was gone. I think she was just so sick it was upsetting him. The vet felt that the cancer had gone to her brain and there was nothing that could be done for her. She was diagnosed with cancer at 18 months old. We had spent a few thousand dollars on her already and when they realized how bad it was, it was really too late to do much more than to try to make her comfy, which didn't last long.

If he has bit before though then it might just be a behavior thing and behavior modification might help.
It's raining Yorkies here! LOL Teek ,Rowan , Raksha (Grand Puppy) , Raelyn
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