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Old 08-17-2015, 11:59 AM   #1
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Gallatin, TN USA
Posts: 6
Default Excited Soon-To-Be Yorkie Owner

I just wanted to say hello and how happy I am to have found a place to find out all I can about our new family member. After being pet-free for a few years, we decided that we are ready to become dog owners again. My husband has been periodically sending me pictures of dogs from our local shelter, and, while they were all precious in their own way, none of them really grabbed me. That was until a few days ago when he showed me a picture of Kayla, a 10-11 year old Yorkie. I couldn't stop thinking about her, so my husband, children and I went to see her after church yesterday afternoon, and now I'm in love. She is just precious! We spent an hour and a half there getting to know her some. We are waiting for our reference check and approval, and should hear something back by tomorrow or Wednesday. The waiting is so hard!!

I feel like I am ready for this responsibility again, and that from what I could gather from our short time together, she will be a great addition to our family. I look forward to learning all I can about Yorkies and how we can make the rest of her life a wonderful one. I have a couple of questions that I am hoping you guys could answer for me. I don't think negative answers will deter us from getting her, but will help us be prepared as to what to expect.

1. Although one of the workers at the shelter commented that Kayla was just the quietest little thing and never barked, I am skeptical that she will remain this way once she is home and feeling more comfortable with her surroundings. We have a glass front door, and, although we don't live in a heavily trafficked neighborhood, we do have cars that periodically drive by and several people who walk/run by our house with and without dogs. I'm fine with her barking when someone comes up to our door, but not crazy about the idea of her barking every time there is activity on our street. If it does turn out that she yaps at every little thing, is it possible to train a dog of this age to not bark as much? And, yes, I've read that they are terriers and that's just part of how they are wired, but I'm hopeful she can be trained to control herself a bit.

2. If we decided to crate her at night, how long is too long to expect her to stay in the crate without being let out to go to the bathroom. We usually sleep 8-9 hours at night, and I am wondering if this will change when she arrives because she will need to go out.
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