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Old 07-14-2015, 08:37 AM   #89
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All of this is why I love Yorkietalk so much, how people pull together to support each other. At times there's negativity, but all of the beautiful things that I witness so much of the time overpower anything negative I ever see.

I came to Yorkietalk when my sixteen year old little girl, Ashley, had irritable bowel, and I was trying to learn more ways to help her. She was under the care of a vet that I love, and at that point, I was having her seen every one to two months, just for my own piece of mind. I'm usually pretty shy and quiet, and I never expected to become as involved in the community. Ann and the YT community made it so welcoming here and the tone so warm and accepting. When I lost Ashley close to her seventeenth birthday, people were so supportive. Nobody made me feel silly for staying on a dog forum for almost two years without even a dog in my life. At times I felt silly, anyway, but that was in my crazy mind, but I just couldn't leave. I had grown to care so much about the people and pups of Yorkietalk.

My dear friends, who I met on YT, found Katie for me from an amazing show breeder. They joined together without me knowing it, and then they convinced our breeder and me that we could give Katie a great life. When I was unable to travel to get Katie and our plan of having a show breeder bring Katie with her when she was showing her dogs closer to me didn't pan out, my dear friend traveled a long way to get her for me. It was something I was unable to talk her out of. I celebrated here with our community when Katie came home to me. It was so wonderful to share my excitement with the people I had grown to care so much about.

Veronica reaching out to help Jeanie is so heartwarming. There were other people too who reached out to help and so many others who wished they could but we're too far away. It's something I will never forget. Every one who is here has helped. We have such a beautiful ccommunity, all bonded together in the love of Yorkies. It's much more than that, though. We can see it in this thread and the one Jeanie started--people reaching out, truly caring about Jeanie, praying for her, thinking about her, and missing her greatly.

Jeanne, you have had a great impact on our community. You are always there to help and to reach out to support people. We love you, Jeanie, and we hope you get better really quickly. Thank you for all you do and for brightening up my life and this community. Please get well and come back to us when you are up to it. I'm sending my love to you and Tibbe today and always.
Lisa and Katie

Ashley 6/10, Gracie 2/04, Kiwi 10/03, and Jolie 7/93 .
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