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Old 04-17-2015, 01:41 PM   #124
YT 1000 Club Member
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Originally Posted by ladyjane View Post
Not all rescues will adopt out of state because they fear what might happen it if does not work out....they are afraid they won't get their dogs back. Legitimate worry.

I have done many out of state adoptions throughout the years. What I will say is that I will not allow a pup to go somewhere I am not willing to go to if something happens and the adoption falls through.

When I lived up north I did wait for 2 years to adopt a small pup. It is true that there are not as many in some areas.
I understand the worry, it's just sad that 2 dogs that I assume will be hard to place have to wait for a family. I don't think many people would want 2 10 year olds, especially in an area with lots of options.

Originally Posted by ladyjane View Post
AND busy taking in dogs that breeders sell to young people who about 7 or 8 years later, when they are married, decide they want a human baby instead. That is so unbelievably common many of you would probably be shocked.
That's another reason I didn't go through a rescue, their minimum age is usually 25 and I was 23.
My cousin got one of her dogs because her ex boyfriend's acquaintance was like 2 months pregnant and she had to get rid of the dog that weekend because of the baby. The woman was close to 40. My cousin had to drop everything to drive over 3 hours each way to get him. Poor thing was covered in fleas and obviously mistreated. Some people are just looking for an excuse to get rid of their dog.

Originally Posted by KazzyK810 View Post
3). Definitely. Think of ten people you know, outside of YT or dog groups you belong too, and how many spent more then $100 to buy their dog? The majority of people I know got their dog from a family member or neighbor whose dog had puppies, or they bought it from an ad in the paper (print & online) or they bought from craigslist or ebay classifieds. And most of those people don't get why I bought ZoE. Their perception is I was ripped off or have money to burn, because they have a dog and I have a dog, only I paid ten times more than them.
In my area you most likely spent at least $500 if you have a small dog, $800-1200 for a desirable breed like a yorkie. We payed $350 each for my poodles in 1997.
My neighbor bought her dog in Lancaster PA from a puppy mill, he's small and a mixed breed, I think she paid $500.

Honestly it terrifies me that it's so easy to get a bully breed here and so hard/expensive to get anything else. Not all bully breeds are bad, but it's still concerning. I'm also right between Camden, Philly, and Trenton, so I'd say a lot of these dogs are related to fighting or guard dogs.
Apparently it's not hard to get one from a shelter either, my neighbor has a mix with some pit bull in her, she's a very nice dog but they're awful owners and I'm afraid she's going to snap one day. She's already proven to be animal aggressive, she killed their cat. Anyway the owner has 2 kids, 1 is severely autistic, neither is good with animals. Their past dogs were kept in small kennels 90% of the time (this one isn't), their last one hung herself (tethered, jumped over fence), and their pets get minimal vet care. They have no business having a dog, or a cat.
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