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Old 04-16-2015, 06:50 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by ladyjane View Post
Tell me how ANY of those above are legitimate reasons. Well, let me say that the money issue IS, but what bothers me is I often wonder if breeders take the time to talk with people about the conditions they are likely to come across and how much they will cost.
It's a catch 22. The reasons aren't legitimate, but yet the dog deserves better than to live with such a person that offers those reasons. If they don't only look for homes that allow their dog, if they don't sell/give up every luxury they have to provide for their dog, if they don't care for their dog in it's senior years, then that dog surely is not well-loved and truly a member of a family? It seems the sadness starts before the dog ever gets to a rescue.
Karan & ZoE
(Chelsea )
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