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Old 04-14-2015, 03:27 AM   #1
aka ♥SquishyFace♥
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Default Louis Theroux: African Hunting Holiday (warning: moody rant)

I don't even know where to start with this post and I'm conflicted about the true reasons I even considered posting my thoughts here at YT. I probably need a private blog so I do not subject others to my rambling but until then, sorry

I have, for a long time, tried to minimize meat consumption for myself as well as within my very small household. The older I get, the more I feel compelled to reduce what I feel is personal culpability towards animal cruelty via the consumption of meat.

However, I have extensively studied evolution and the various theories regarding why we eat meat and why we should stop or continue depending on the focal perspective.

So, I am conflicted about my conflicted attitude. On the one hand, animals and their welfare is something that I am very passionate about and strive to ensure that animal welfare is something which remains in the forefront of our minds as the guardians of Earth.

On the other hand, I recognize that social attitudes can impact our sense of right and wrong and wonder just how 'wrong' I'd feel about meat consumption had I been born in another time. Of course, from here, I acknowledge that I was not born in another time and consider that we may be more enlightened than our predecessors, but then I think that I could just be arrogant when diminishing the intelligence of our ancestors on the basis of my judgment today.

Yet, whichever side I am on regarding meat consumption by humans, I cannot fathom the 'sport' of hunting. The title of this post refers to a program I am watching about exotic game hunting in Africa. In short, Africans breed and raise wild boars, zebra and even lions in confined 'brush land' in order that these beautiful animals can be hunted down by Westerners, specifically, Americans.

I think of the progress of our beautiful country who acknowledges the embarrassment of slavery and the injustice shown to Native Americans and I realize that there is a lot of ways America can continue to develop in the collective views regarding other races and societies which are internal and external to the United States.

But, animals do not have agendas or plots to overcome specific people, politics, beliefs or humanity at large. Therefore, why do humans insist on eradicating true innocence for "fun"? I was so ashamed to learn that orange groves and other facets of economic growth in Africa have been extinguished by American hunters and their quest for "fun" which results in death. I couldn't believe that someone from Ohio wanted to kill a lion for a "thrill" which was equated to gambling. The validation these people used to justify their actions, when challenged, was unbelievable to me. For example, one lady stated that she was fine with killing zebras because the meat will be given to the "needy". Her tone implied the "meat" of the living creature she destroyed was beneath her but would serve a purpose for others which, in turn, made her a good person. I was angry and pitied them and their belief in their responses at the same time.

As a scientist, I strive to reduce human suffering by finding the cure for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, effects of stroke, vascular dementia etc. but then I wonder if humanity deserves the compassion they do not show to these poor animals.

Maybe I'm feeling overly philosophic because I am genuinely offended and appalled at the waste of life or maybe I'm just suffering from lack of sleep.

Either way, thanks for reading this or sorry you wasted your time - whatever your perspective, I respect your view.

Thanks for letting me share mine.
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