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Old 03-20-2015, 02:00 PM   #20
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Just To clarify:
No one can ask you to demonstrate your dogs task he performs for your disability. They can ask what task the dog performs, however.
The only time I have been asked to demonstrate the task was when I was overseas (remember ADA I is USA) only). I was getting on a plane that was about to leave and since I did not want to miss it we gladly complied. In the US they could not have asked for the demonstration.

Emotional Support Dogs are not considered service dogs, however, psychiatric trained dogs are.

When my Cali was in training, some of the training was like cross training before it became specific for different disabilities - so she learned to "clear a room" like the PTSD dogs were being trained. However,mothers were some other tasks that PTSD service dogs do that she doesn't do.

Anytime the dog is there for the handler just for their presence is not a service dog - that is emotional support. They have got to have specific tasks t hat are accepted for a particular disability.

Saying you Are getting a puppy too train to be a service dog because it takes too long to get an already trained service dog is an interesting comment -- it takes about 18 months to two years to fully train a reliable service dog. It is true that there is a problem with how long it takesm to train them and getting a service dog depending upon the degree of disability. Wish that were not the case, but it is just a sad fact. And the cost is about $20,000 + to train one of those dogs. Awful barriers!
. Cali , and Cali's keeper and staff, Jay
No, not a "mini" Yorkie - She loves to motor in her Mini Cooper car
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