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Old 03-16-2015, 05:28 PM   #68
♥ Love My Tibbe! ♥
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Sounds like you have everything spit spot and polished up to perfection as you always seem to. Things that would fell me like a tree seem to just fail to phase you much at all like nothing is too big for you. You are a toughie, Miss Sally!!! And on top of that, you cook like a professional chef, lady! Imagine getting to the hospital, checking Andy out and getting him home, and squared away(no easy feat for a post-op patient), Harry settled down from the excitement of having Daddy back home and managing a huge meal with trimmings! You are amazing.

I'm so glad Andy is doing well for what he's going through. He's pretty tough himself. Please give him and his furry little son Harry big hugs from Texas and allow yourself a second helping of whatever dessert you have in the house - you deserve it. I wish you had someone to spell you for a while so you could get out and about to stretch your legs and a deep breath, still knowing Andy's well-cared for.

Have a wonderful night now that hubs is home again. I know that must make you feel much better.
Jeanie and Tibbe
One must do the best one can. You may get some marks for a very imperfect answer: you will certainly get none for leaving the question alone. C. S. Lewis
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