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Old 03-02-2015, 04:43 AM   #68
Wylie's Mom
Furbutts = LOVE
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So, they caught the guy who stole my car and he is in jail - but no news about the car. Yesterday, the officer assigned to the case stopped by our house to give me back my "stuff" -- of which, it was only my drivers license, my 2 canceled cards, and my users manuals for my car (he took pictures of all of it for evidence). They caught the guy driving another stolen car, and in the trunk was alllll this stuff - including my stuff AND my car's license plates! He had stuff in there stolen from FIFTEEN different victims! He even stole from his own Mom, apparently, but she is not pressing charges. I forgot to ask the officer why he isn't yet giving me my plates back...perhaps bc they're more important in evidence than my IDs etc...? You should have seen the officer's car - he said he was going around on Sunday to return some of the stuff to people - he had 5 purses in there, wallets, clothes, a fur coat, shoes/boots - he said he felt like Santa Claus .

As far as asking him about my car, the officer said the guy said he "never saw the car in his life" -- um, yeah, sure.

If nothing else, this guy is going down for possession of stolen property from 15 people and for stealing that other car. JERK. At least he's off the streets for a while.
~ A friend told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn. ~

°¨¨¨°ºOº°¨¨¨° Ann | Pfeiffer | Marcel Verdel Purcell | Wylie | Artie °¨¨¨°ºOº°¨¨¨°
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